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Palette Attribute

A palette attribute is a fixture attribute that allows a range of values to be recalled on a fixture. It primary purpose is to represent wheel attributes. That is for instance a wheel with a number of colours on it.

In general this attribute should cover the majority of wheels on a fixture, but I can see some exceptions that could require more functionality. For instance a gobo attribute may well want to not only pick the gobo on the wheel (via a palette) but also set its spin direction and speed, or its shake value, or its absolute position value.

The XML for a generic palette attribute looks like this :

<attribute name="name" type="palette">
 <palette name="name">
  <entry name="1">
   <range base="start" offset="3" type="block" start="0" end="50"/>
  <entry name="2">
   <range base="start" offset="3" type="block" start="51" end="100"/>
  <entry name="3">
   <range base="start" offset="3" type="block" start="101" end="150"/>
  <entry name="4">
   <range base="start" offset="3" type="block" start="151" end="200"/>
  <entry name="5">
   <range base="start" offset="3" type="block" start="201" end="255"/>

  <range base="start" offset="7" type="block" start="76" end="130"/>
</attribute >

In this case the attribute is dependent on the DMX value of offset 7 being between 78 and 130.

Color Wheel

In some cases the palette may contain additional data to provide the user with more information. For instance a colour wheel is defined :

<attribute name="Colour Wheel 1" type="colorwheel">
 <palette name="Colour Wheel 1">
  <entry name="red">
   <range base="start" offset="3" type="block" start="0" end="50"/>
   <data type="color" red="1" green="0" blue="0"/>
  <entry name="green">
   <range base="start" offset="3" type="block" start="51" end="100"/>
   <data type="color" red="0" green="1" blue="0"/>
  <entry name="blue">
   <range base="start" offset="3" type="block" start="101" end="150"/>
   <data type="color" red="0" green="0" blue="1"/>
  <entry name="orange">
   <range base="start" offset="3" type="block" start="151" end="200"/>
   <data type="color" red="1" green="0.408" blue="0.016"/>
  <entry name="white">
   <range base="start" offset="3" type="block" start="201" end="255"/>
   <data type="color" red="1" green="1" blue="1"/>
</attribute >

The data attributes are only there for the application to use to help represent the palette value to the user. So in this case the colour is passed as a screen representation RGB value so that a swatch book can be show to the user. The came principal will apply for gobos where the data element may be an embedded image of the gobo, or a reference to a stock image.