From Chameleon

Manual: CustomInput

Custom Input

Standard computer input is not really the best way to control lighting. And whilst Chameleon lets you do everything with on screen controls, its highly recommended that you use some addition hard input devices.

Its almost impossible, for instance, to have any real control of faders by using a mouse.

X-Keys Pro

Chameleon has been designed to work with the X-keys Professional keyboard by P.I. Engineering. This keyboard gives you an additional 58 keys for input, and allows you to put your own legends on the keys.

X-Keys Pro Keyboard
X-Keys Pro Keyboard

Chameleon will automatically detect the X-Keys Pro keyboard and start to use it immediately. You can download the X-Keys Pro Legends as a PDF document to cut out and place under the key caps.

The center and right hand sections on the keyboard are used for programming with the Command Line syntax. The advantage of the external keyboard is that you can enter programming commands at any time, even if chameleon is not the foreground application.

The left hand side of the keyboard is used for 10 User Programmable Keys? for pre programmed scenes etc. For instance you might have one set up to control a haze machine.

With the exception of the blackout keys, the top of the keyboard is not currently used. The soft keys will provide context sensitive actions (such as choosing a colour, or a gobo) whilst the other keys will be used for access to planned features for instance the shape generator.


Generic Keyboard

Chameleon also supports input from buttons on any HID (Human Interface Device) compliant device, such as a second keyboard or mouse.

The device is used in exclusive mode, so that if you used a keyboard for instance, pressing the keys will not interact with the regular input to the rest of the application, or any other application running at the same time.

Each key can be configured to one of many functions within Chameleon, such as Release, or Thru, as used in the Command Line.

Currently this configuration is based around an XML file. On of my ToDo items is to make this configurable through chameleon.


BCF2000 Midi Control Surface

The Behringer BCF2000 is a USB based midi control surface with motorised faders. Chameleon is able to use the BCF2000, or any other midi surface for that matter, to give physical control of on screen faders.

Chameleon organises faders into banks, when you switch banks with the BCF2000 its motorised faders snap into the current position on the on screen [faders]]. This means there is no awkward alignment of faders needed in order to pick-up the current position as some lighting desks require.

On of my ToDo items is to allow Chameleon to download the required MIDI profile into the BCF2000. In the mean time if you wish to use the BCF2000 with Chameleon, please email me for the required profile and the software to download it.

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Page last modified on September 18, 2007, at 07:55 AM