From Chameleon

Manual: Save


Once you have completed the Channel Configuration or created a show you will want to save your work so as not to loose it.


To save the entire show simply use the File -> Save menu option. If this is the first time you have saved the file you will be prompted for the file name. Chameleon will automatically add the extension .show to your file.

If you have already saved the file it will simply be overwritten.

TIP! You can press the Apple and S keys as a short cut to File -> Save


If you want to save the file using a different name (this can be useful if you don't want to loose the show in the existing file) you can select File -> Save As from the menu. This will prompt you for the new file to save the show as.

Once you have saved the show using a new file name, the Save option will overwrite the new file name.

TIP! You can press the Apple and Shift and S keys as a short cut to File -> Save As

Exporting the channel configuration

If you simply want to save the channel configuration details and not the entire show you can use the File -> Export -> Channel Configuration menu. This will export just the Channel Configuration details to a new file.

You will always be prompted for this filename. Chameleon will automatically add the file extension .patch to your chosen filename.

< Custom Input | Contents | Load >

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Page last modified on September 08, 2006, at 08:20 AM