From Chameleon

Release: 1-0d56


18th Sep 2007

Download version 1.0d56

Both issues detailed in 1.0d54 release notes have been resolved.

There is now a colour distinction in the Output Display between the two tiers of captured channels.

I have added a grab fader to the master fader bank. The grab fader can be used to set all Tier 1 captured channels

You can now Add a Fixture ready to use it.

Although at the moment the only thing you can do with a fixture is set its intensity. I have included only 3 sample fixtures in the library at this stage (these are in fact the ones I have ready access for testing purposes).

Known Issues

< 1.0d58 | Contents | 1.0d54 >

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Page last modified on September 26, 2007, at 07:06 AM